How 5 Positive People Kick Negativity To The Curb – And How You Can Too!

I don’t know whether you missed me last week, but I sure missed blogging. What can I say? Time got away from me, I was tired, and I gave myself permission to skip a week. Except after I missed last week, I found that I really hadn’t given myself permission after all. Instead, I found myself filling my head with all kinds of negative thoughts. Like I should have tried harder to write a post. Or I was being lazy by not writing something. Or this or that... I'm sure you can relate, right? We start thinking one negative thought, and then … [Read more...]

You Get There When You Get There*…

Did you watch The Kentucky Derby this weekend? I don't usually watch it, but gloomy skies and heavy rain can turn me into a real homebody, so I did this year. What a great race! I especially loved learning all of the back stories behind the horses and jockeys. Whether it was the possibility of Rosie Napravnik becoming the first female to win the Derby or of Kevin Krigger becoming the first African American to win since 1902, each story was more compelling than the next. But it was the story of the winning horse, Orb, that got me thinking the … [Read more...]

What’s Your Mantra?

I'm so tired of Capital One always asking me, "What's in YOUR wallet?" Aren't you? I mean, really, why would I want to tell them what's in my wallet? I barely know them. I'd much rather they ask me, "What is YOUR mantra?" I mean, sure, maybe that question has nothing to do with credit cards or banking, but it's a question that may better help me - and you - better navigate the ups and downs of life. What do you say to yourself when 'stuff' happens? So, my mom called me this week, sounding surprisingly cheerful as she told me that she had … [Read more...]