Have You Thought Of Hiring A Sketch Artist? (Psst…it may affect how you see yourself!)

Do you know that I never wore jeans until the age of 32? I know what you're probably thinking...so what? But the thing is, I never wore them because I didn't think I could. I didn't think I was skinny enough. In fact, if I'm being honest, I felt kinda fat. Until my Aunt Sandra took me jeans shopping. I still remember, as I was trying on different pairs, both Sandra and the saleswoman insisting that I needed a smaller size. "Really? I thought...you think I can fit into that?!" But, I did! I couldn't believe it. I felt like I was having my … [Read more...]

Come On, Get Happy…Or Give One!

Don't you just love surprises? I do. I've always loved them, ever since I was little. There's just something about getting an unexpected surprise that makes you, well...happy. And that's probably why my mom calls these little "out-of-the-blue" gifts she gets me every once in a while a "little happy". Like, the other night when I went over to see my parents before going to a movie. When I walked into their house, I saw a little package wrapped in pink tissue with my name on it.  Ooo, la, la...it was a 'little happy' from my mom! And I loved … [Read more...]