Does Your Self Image Need An Update? (Part 1)

Do you remember that annoying DIRECTV commercial that had Beyonce in it singing about an upgrade? Well, don’t worry. This week’s video blog – vlog – is not that. 

Firstly, I can’t sing. And, secondly, I have Comcast. 

But I am talking about an upgrade of sorts. When we keep holding on to past limiting beliefs about ourselves, we don’t operate at our fullest potential. Which means that we may not get everything we want in life, because we’re still letting our old selves decide what we’re capable of or what we’re worthy of…or who we are.

Bottom line? Sometimes we need an upgrade.

In this week’s vlog (part one of two), I’m going to show you a super simple, yet super effective exercise you can do to make sure your self image is up to date so that, like the girl in my blog header, you’re always “in your groove”.

After watching, make sure to download and print out the “Self Image: Before and After Checklist” exercise below! 

Click on the image below to download, print out and complete the “Self Image: Before and After Checklist” exercise — it’s free! (Once you click, you’ll find the print button in the upper left corner.)

And stay tuned for part two next week, when I’ll talk about updating our images of others, about being willing to let others step out of their history, so to speak.

Now it’s your turn! Share with me in the ‘Comments’ section below.

Question > What is one way in which you’ve updated your self image and how did you do so?

Share how you’ve grown with the Be Yourself community so that we can celebrate in your success!

P.S. – Like this content? Sign up in the right sidebar to get blog updates by email!

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  1. ReadingTwig says:

    This is such a valuable reminder of being kind to ourselves as we continue on our own particular journeys. I love your blog posts!! They remind me always to ‘be myself’…keep the postive information coming!

    • Thanks so much! I’m so very happy that you found this post valuable. It’s my passion and priority to help and remind women and girls to ‘be yourself’ and, for that reason, I find your comment enormously gratifying. Thanks for reading (and commenting)!
