Changing Course When You’re Scared of Change

How to Change Course When You're Scared of ChangeTell me, have you ever had something not go as planned? I’m guessing ‘yes’, unless you’re Martha Stewart.

Well, something like that happened to me this past week. (Something you’ll better appreciate if you watched last week’s video blog, Does your Self Image Need an Update: Part 1!)

Now, I know I mentioned before that there was going to be a ‘part two’ to last week’s ‘part one’.

And there was, except for one thing…

It stunk.

So, I basically realized that I needed to scrap the original ‘part two’ video and start over…in time for today.

But this got me thinking about adapting, about changing course and doing a sudden about-face in life.

And how, sometimes, on the road to being our best selves, changing course is necessary, but also hard to do.

Watch this week’s video blog to see how I recently had to do a sudden about-face and how I’m using my about-face to help YOU be your best self.


Did you miss last week’s video blog, in which I showed you a super simple, yet super effective exercise for finally letting go of those pesky little limiting beliefs? Watch it here: Does Your Self Image Need an Update? (Part 1)!

And share with me in the comments section below:

Question > Describe a time when you’ve changed course (or when someone you know did!). How did you go about doing so and what came out of it that ended up being better than you anticipated?

Thanks for watching! And, until next time, be yourself and the rest will follow.®

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  1. Jody Franco says:

    My computer has been on the fritz, but I am back up and in the ‘Be yourself’ community. The second blog posting on ‘changing courses’ is such a helpful reminder to not be afraid to scrap a thought, an idea…a person (!) when they may be working negatively against us. Keep up the great work!
    Reading Twig