Need Courage To Show The World Who You Are? Try This…

So, I’m guessing that you probably know who Jackie Robinson is. If not, go see the movie, 42. I saw it this weekend - great film about a great man. 42 highlights the tough, often discriminating, often prejudicial road Jackie Robinson traveled as the first African American player in major league baseball. The whole movie was enlightening, but there was one scene in particular that really got me thinking. Picture this. Jackie had just joined the Brooklyn Dodgers. He enters the team locker room, filled with white men, all of whom have their own … [Read more...]

How To Think Differently About Fear…

Have you ever been parasailing?  I've gotta tell ya, there's something about it that's just a little too scary for me. But not for my brother and my two nieces, who went parasailing during our recent trip to Greece together. I was really impressed with their bravery and tempted to get hard on myself for feeling a little too scared to do it, but I didn't... Because I reminded myself of all of the other brave things I've done in my life. Like... :: Lived, breathed and overcame a traumatic spend-the-night phobia as a child. :: Moved to … [Read more...]

Be Inclusive. Be, Be Inclusive…

Ya-sas. Buongiorno! I've recently returned from Greece and Italy and can you believe that all I picked up language-wise was 'hello'? (Well, I also picked up a few wonderful pieces of ceramics, but that's another story.) It was a special trip, though. For my dad's 70th birthday, I, my parents, my brother and my two nieces spent a week together in Greece before my parents and I went on to Sicily. I can't believe how quickly my nieces are growing up - Kathy, the oldest, is going into ninth grade this year! Wow, do I remember the ninth grade. … [Read more...]