When We Give, We Get Back Much More…And This Proves It

So, I wasn't going to blog this week − not because I didn't want to, but because I just had too much to do. But then I stumbled upon this video... And I'm wondering how to do it justice...especially since it's approaching 10:45pm when I'm writing this and I'm getting tired. The message is so very poignant, though...and this video is so very well produced. Its message is simple, yet powerful...about the importance of giving and of treating others with respect and dignity, no matter whether they're the CEO or the cement truck … [Read more...]

Inspiration Tuesday: What Elizabeth Smart Teaches Us About Gratitude, Self Worth & More…

Don't you hate being sick? I do. Last week, I was sick with a bad cold. Ugh! Seriously, on day four, I was getting sick of being sick! But, honestly, my being sick this past week is nothing compared to what the subject of this month’s Inspiration Tuesday went through. You may know who she is from the headlines a few years ago – Elizabeth Smart. I read Elizabeth’s memoir recently and, let me tell you, Elizabeth Smart is one amazing person. Really. I stand in true awe of what she endured, how she survived, who she’s become... And what she … [Read more...]

Be This Type of Person If Nothing Else…

I don't know about you, but when I'm around people with whom I know I can be myself, I feel awesome. I'm chatty. I'm funny. I'm smiling. (Well, who are we kidding? I'm always smiling, even around those with whom I can't be myself!) But, basically, I'm my best self. Because I know I'm not facing judgment. I'm just feeling acceptance. And this is not unique to me. I know you feel or experience this too when you're around people who accept you for who you are unconditionally. It's a great feeling, right? I think so. And it's a feeling I … [Read more...]